Satellite global market has the potential to significantly benefit future mankind by improving connectivity, enabling better environmental and public safety decision-making, and facilitating scientific research and exploration.
Satellite Proceedings
Dear esteemed guests, speakers, and participants,
It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the Global Congress on Advanced Satellite Communications 2023. This conference is a one-of-a-kind opportunity for experts and stakeholders in the field of satellite communications to gather, share knowledge, and engage in productive discussions around the latest trends and advancements in this rapidly evolving field.
Over the course of this congress, we will explore topics ranging from the next generation of satellite technologies, to security and resilience in satellite communications, as well as the role of satellite communications in sustainable development. We will also look at the emerging applications of satellite communications in areas such as autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and augmented reality.
Through a series of engaging keynote speeches, distinguished speaker talks, panel discussions, and networking events, we aim to foster a dynamic and collaborative environment that inspires innovation and promotes progress in the field of satellite communications.
Furthermore, this congress is an opportunity to build valuable connections and relationships with peers and thought leaders in the industry.
We hope that you find this congress informative, productive, and enjoyable. Thank you for joining us, and we look forward to an exciting and successful event together.
With best regards,
Adv.Satellite 2023
Organizing Committee
Peers Alley Media, Canada
Morgan State University, USA
Capella University , USA
National Science Foundation, USA
Institute of Communication Technologies, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany
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Satellite Conferences
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Satellite Conferences 2023
Satellite Conferences 2023 Asia
Cloud Computing Conferences
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Satellite Networking Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 USA
Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Peers Alley Media Scholars Opinion
Satellite Communications Meetings
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Satellite Conferences 2023 Asia
Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Conferences 2023
Satellite Conferences 2023 Middle East
Cloud Computing Conferences
Satellite Communications Meetings
GIS Conferences
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Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Satellite Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Conferences 2023 USA
Satellite Networking Conferences 2023
Satellite Conferences 2023 Middle East
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Cloud Computing Conferences
Satellite Communications Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 Asia
Satellite Conferences 2023 Europe
Satellite Networking Conferences
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Satellite Conferences
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Satellite Communications Meetings
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
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Satellite Engineering Conferences
Satellite Networking Conferences
Peers Alley Media Scientists Opinion
Peers Alley Media Scholars Opinion
Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Conferences 2023 USA
Remote Sensing Conferences
Aerospace Engineering Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 Middle East
Cloud Computing Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 Europe
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Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
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Satellite Conferences
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Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
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GIS Conferences
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Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
Satellite Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
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Satellite Communications Meetings
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Networking Conferences
Satellite Conferences
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Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Remote Sensing Conferences
Satellite Engineering Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Aerospace Engineering Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023
Satellite Networking Conferences 2023
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Satellite Communications Conferences
GIS Conferences
Satellite Engineering Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 Asia
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Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
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Satellite Conferences
Cloud Computing Conferences
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Satellite Communications Conferences
Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
Remote Sensing Conferences
Satellite Communications Meetings
Satellite Communications Conferences
Peers Alley Conferences Reviews
GIS Conferences
Satellite Engineering Conferences
Satellite Networking Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 Middle East
Satellite Networking Conferences 2023
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Aerospace Engineering Conferences
Peers Alley Media Scholars Opinion
Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023
Peers Alley Media Scholars Opinion
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
Satellite Conferences
Satellite Networking Conferences
Satellite Networking Conferences 2023
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Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Communications Conferences
Aerospace Engineering Conferences
Peers Alley Media Scientists Opinion
Satellite Engineering Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Satellite Conferences 2023 USA
Peers Alley Conferences Reviews
GIS Conferences
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Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Cloud Computing Conferences
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
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Satellite Networking Conferences 2023
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Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Conferences
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Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Conferences 2023 USA
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Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
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Aerospace Engineering Conferences
Satellite Networking Conferences
Satellite Communications Conferences
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Networking Conferences 2023
Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
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GIS Conferences
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Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Conferences 2023 Middle East
Satellite Communications Meetings
Aerospace Engineering Conferences
Satellite Networking Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Satellite Communications Meetings
Peers Alley Conferences Reviews
Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Engineering Conferences
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Satellite Networking Conferences
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Remote Sensing Conferences
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Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
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Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Networking Conferences 2023
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Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Legitimate Scientific Conferences
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Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Aerospace Engineering Conferences
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 USA
Satellite Communications Conferences
Satellite Networking Conferences
Remote Sensing Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Conferences 2023
Satellite Conferences 2023 Asia
Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
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Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 Europe
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Satellite Networking Conferences
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Satellite Conferences
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GIS Conferences
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Satellite Conferences 2023
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
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Remote Sensing Conferences
Aerospace Engineering Conferences
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Satellite Communications Conferences
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Cloud Computing Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 USA
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
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Remote Sensing Conferences
GIS Conferences
Peers Alley Conferences Reviews
Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
GIS Conferences
Peers Alley Media Scientists Opinion
Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023
Aerospace Engineering Conferences
Satellite Engineering Conferences
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Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
Remote Sensing Conferences
Satellite Engineering Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 USA
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Satellite Conferences
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Peers Alley Media Scientists Opinion
Satellite Conferences 2023 Asia
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
Satellite Networking Conferences
GIS Conferences
Peers Alley Conferences Reviews
Satellite Conferences 2023
Remote Sensing Conferences
Satellite Engineering Conferences
Satellite Communications Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 USA
Aerospace Engineering Conferences
Cloud Computing Conferences
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
Satellite Networking Conferences 2023
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Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
Satellite Conferences 2023 Asia
Peers Alley Media Scientists Opinion
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Satellite Communications Meetings
Aerospace Engineering Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 Europe
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
Remote Sensing Conferences
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
Cloud Computing Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023
Satellite Conferences 2023 Asia
Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 USA
Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Peers Alley Media Scholars Opinion
Satellite Communications Conferences
Satellite Networking Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Satellite Conferences 2023
Satellite Conferences 2023 Asia
Satellite Conferences 2023 Europe
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
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Satellite Conferences 2023 USA
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Peers Alley Media Scholars Opinion
Satellite Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Satellite Networking Conferences 2023
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
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Satellite Engineering Conferences
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Peers Alley Media Scientists Opinion
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Peers Alley Conferences Reviews
Remote Sensing Conferences
Satellite Engineering Conferences
Satellite Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Satellite Communications Meetings
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Peers Alley Media Scientists Opinion
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Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
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Satellite Communications Conferences
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Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
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Peers Alley Media Scientists Opinion
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Satellite Conferences 2023
Satellite Networking Conferences
Peers Alley Media Scientists Opinion
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GIS Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
Cloud Computing Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 Europe
Aerospace Engineering Conferences
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Peers Alley Media Scientists Opinion
Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Satellite Communications Meetings
Satellite Networking Conferences
Peers Alley Media Scholars Opinion
Satellite Communications Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
Satellite Conferences 2023 Asia
Satellite Communications Conferences 2023
Remote Sensing Conferences
Cloud Computing Conferences
Satellite Engineering Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 Middle East
Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023
Satellite Networking Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 Asia
Remote Sensing Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 Europe
Legitimate Scientific Conferences of Peers Alley Media
Peers Alley Media Scholars Opinion
Satellite Communications Meetings
GIS Conferences
Wireless Communications Conferences 2023
Peers Alley Media Scientists Opinion
Cloud Computing Conferences
Legitimate Scientific Conference Organizer
Satellite Engineering Conferences
Satellite Conferences 2023 USA
Legitimate Scientific Conferences
Market Forecast of Satellite Industry in USA:
The future market forecast for satellites in the USA is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. The satellite industry is a crucial part of the modern world, with satellite technology used for communication, navigation, weather forecasting, and scientific research, among other things.
According to a report by Euroconsult, the global satellite market is projected to reach a total of $368 billion by 2028, with the United States remaining the largest contributor to the industry's growth. The report also predicts that the demand for satellite services will continue to increase, driven by factors such as the growing need for data connectivity, increased demand for high-quality video content, and the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and autonomous vehicles.
In addition, the increasing popularity of space-based services such as satellite broadband and satellite television is expected to drive demand for more advanced and capable satellites. This, in turn, is expected to create opportunities for satellite manufacturers, launch service providers, and other satellite-related businesses.
Furthermore, the US government's increased focus on national security and defense is expected to lead to increased demand for satellite-based surveillance, communication, and navigation capabilities. The commercialization of space and the growing number of private companies investing in space-related activities are also expected to contribute to the growth of the satellite industry in the USA.
Overall, the future market forecast for satellites in the USA appears to be positive, with continued growth expected in the coming years.
Market Forecast of Satellite Industry in Europe:
The future market forecast for satellites in Europe is also positive, with continued growth expected in the coming years. The European satellite industry is a crucial part of the global satellite market, with European companies involved in the manufacturing, launch, and operation of a significant number of satellites.
According to a report by Euroconsult, the European satellite market is projected to reach a total of $25.7 billion by 2028, with growth being driven by several factors such as the increasing demand for satellite-based services and the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G networks.
In addition, the European Space Agency (ESA) and its member states are investing heavily in the development of new space technologies and applications, which is expected to create opportunities for European satellite manufacturers and other space-related businesses.
Furthermore, the European Union's (EU) focus on the development of a European Space Program and the creation of a single market for space services is expected to drive growth in the European satellite industry. The EU's investment in space-based applications such as satellite-based navigation and earth observation is also expected to contribute to the growth of the industry.
Overall, the future market forecast for satellites in Europe appears to be positive, with continued growth expected in the coming years. The increasing demand for satellite-based services and the development of new space technologies and applications are expected to create opportunities for European satellite manufacturers and other space-related businesses.
Market Forecast of Satellite Industry in Asia:
The future market forecast for satellites in Asia is also positive, with continued growth expected in the coming years. The Asia-Pacific region is home to several countries with active satellite programs, including China, India, Japan, and South Korea, among others.
According to a report by Euroconsult, the Asia-Pacific satellite market is projected to reach a total of $13.4 billion by 2028, with growth being driven by several factors such as the increasing demand for satellite-based services, the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G networks, and the development of new space technologies and applications.
In addition, the increasing investment by Asian governments in space-related activities is expected to drive growth in the satellite industry. For example, China has been rapidly expanding its space program, with plans to launch a large number of satellites in the coming years, while India is also investing heavily in space-based applications such as satellite-based navigation and earth observation.
Furthermore, the increasing commercialization of space and the growing number of private companies investing in space-related activities are also expected to contribute to the growth of the satellite industry in Asia.
Market Forecast of Satellite Industry in Middle East:
The Middle East region has been increasingly investing in the development and use of satellites for various applications, including communication, navigation, earth observation, and defense.
According to a report by Euroconsult, the Middle East satellite market is projected to reach a total of $3.7 billion by 2028, with growth being driven by several factors such as the increasing demand for satellite-based services, the development of new space technologies, and the government's support for the space industry.
In addition, several countries in the Middle East have been actively investing in the development of their space programs, including the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, and Qatar. The UAE, for example, has launched several satellites, including the KhalifaSat earth observation satellite and the Mars Hope probe, and has plans to establish a human settlement on Mars by 2117.
Market Forecast of Satellite Industry in China:
China has been rapidly expanding its space program, with ambitious plans to become a major player in the global space industry.
According to a report by Euroconsult, the Chinese satellite market is projected to reach a total of $8.1 billion by 2028, with growth being driven by several factors such as the increasing demand for satellite-based services, the development of new space technologies, and the government's support for the space industry.
In addition, the Chinese government has been investing heavily in the development of space-based applications such as satellite-based navigation, earth observation, and communication. China has also been actively promoting international cooperation in the space industry, with partnerships with other countries and international organizations to develop and launch satellites.
Furthermore, the growing commercialization of space and the rise of private companies investing in space-related activities are also expected to contribute to the growth of the satellite industry in China.
Market Forecast of Satellite Industry in Japan:
Japan has a strong history of satellite manufacturing and operation, with several Japanese companies and organizations involved in the development and launch of satellites.
According to a report by Euroconsult, the Japanese satellite market is projected to reach a total of $2.5 billion by 2028, with growth being driven by several factors such as the increasing demand for satellite-based services, the development of new space technologies, and the government's support for the space industry.
In addition, Japan has been actively promoting international cooperation in the space industry, with partnerships with other countries and international organizations to develop and launch satellites. The Japanese government has also been investing heavily in the development of space-based applications such as satellite-based navigation, earth observation, and communication.
Furthermore, the growing commercialization of space and the rise of private companies investing in space-related activities are also expected to contribute to the growth of the satellite industry in Japan.
List of Universities Offering Satellite Communications:
/ Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA / California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA / Stanford University, USA / University of California, Berkeley / Harvard University, USA / University of Cambridge, UK / University of Oxford, UK / University of Tokyo, Japan / National University of Singapore, Singapore / University of Melbourne, Australia / University of Sydney, Australia / University of New South Wales, Australia / Delft University of Technology, Netherlands / ETH Zurich, Switzerland / Technical University of Munich, Germany / University of Stuttgart, Germany / University of Bremen, Germany / University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany / TU Berlin, Germany / Leibniz University Hannover, Germany / University of Southampton, UK / University of Bristol, UK / University of Leicester, UK / University of Surrey, UK / Cranfield University, UK / University of Strathclyde, UK / University of Glasgow, UK / University of Manchester, UK / University of Warwick, UK / University of Leeds, UK / University of Edinburgh, UK / University of Exeter, UK / University of Sheffield, UK / University of Bath, UK / University of Nottingham, UK / University of Kent, UK / University of Sussex, UK / University of Warwick, UK / Imperial College London, UK / University of Southampton, UK / University of Surrey, UK / University of Hertfordshire, UK / University of York, UK / University of Glasgow, UK / University of Dundee, UK / University of Aberdeen, UK / University of Hull, UK / University of Manchester, UK / University of Liverpool, UK / University of Reading, UK / University of Bristol, UK / University of Warwick, UK / University of Sussex, UK / University of Sheffield, UK / University of Surrey, UK / University of Kent, UK / University of Strathclyde, UK / University of Aberdeen, UK / University of Edinburgh, UK / University of Bath, UK / University of Glasgow, UK / University of York, UK / University of Liverpool, UK / University of Leicester, UK / University of Nottingham, UK / University of Southampton, UK / University of Exeter, UK / University of Reading, UK / University of Sheffield, UK / University of Sussex, UK / University of Warwick, UK / University of Surrey, UK / University of Kent, UK / University of Strathclyde, UK / University of Aberdeen, UK / University of Edinburgh, UK / University of Bath, UK / University of Glasgow, UK / University of York, UK / University of Liverpool, UK / University of Leicester, UK / University of Nottingham, UK / University of Southampton, UK / University of Exeter, UK / University of Reading, UK / University of Sheffield, UK / University of Sussex, UK / University of Warwick, UK / University of Surrey, UK /
List of Top Satellite Associations:
/ International Astronautical Federation (IAF) / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) / European Space Agency (ESA) / Asia-Pacific Satellite / Communications Council (APSCC) / Society of Satellite Professionals International (SSPI) / Satellite Industry Association (SIA) / Aerospace Industries / Association (AIA) / Space Foundation / American Astronautical Society (AAS) / British Interplanetary Society (BIS) / Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) / French Space Agency (CNES) / German Aerospace Center (DLR) / Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) / Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) / Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) / China National Space Administration (CNSA) / The Planetary Society / National Space Society / Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) / Space Angels Network / Space Commerce Matters (SCM) / Space Frontier Foundation / Space Industry Association of Australia (SIAA) / The Mars Society / The Moon Society / The Space Generation Congress (SGC) / The Space Show / The Space Studies Institute (SSI) / American Society for Gravitational and Space Research (ASGSR) / American Astronomical Society (AAS) / Association of Space Explorers (ASE) / Canadian Space Society (CSS) / International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS) / International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG) / International Space Commerce 300 (ISC 300) / International Space Elevator Consortium (ISEC) / International Space University (ISU) / National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) / National Space Grant Foundation / National Space Society of Australia (NSSA) / NewSpace Global / Satellite Industry Forum (SIF) / Space Angels Network (SAN) / Space Enterprise Council / Space Entrepreneurs Forum (SEF) / Space Generation Fusion Forum (SGFF) / Space Industry Association of Australia (SIAA) / Space Mining Association of Canada (SMAC) / Space Mining Advisory Council (SMAC) / Space Policy Online / Space Tourism Society / Spaceport America / Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) / Women in Aerospace (WIA) / World Space Week Association (WSWA) / Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) / Australian Space Agency (ASA) / British Interplanetary Society (BIS) / Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) / Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF) / Global Aerospace Summit / Initiative for Interstellar Studies (I4IS) / International Association of Astronomical Artists (IAAA) / International Association of Space Flight Participants (IASFP) / International Mars Society / International Meteor Organization (IMO) / International Union of Radio Science (URSI) / Mars Society Australia / National Space Society of Australia (NSSA) / New Space India Limited (NSIL) / New Space Association of Japan (NSAJ) / Planetary Society of India (PSI) / Society of Spaceflight Professionals (SSP) / South African Space Association (SASA) / Space Access Society (SAS) / Space Angels Network (SAN) /
List of Top Wireless Associations:
Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) / CTIA - The Wireless Association / Wireless World Research Forum (WWRF) / Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) /
Wireless Innovation Forum (WINNF) / Wi-Fi Alliance / 5G Americas / Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) / Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association (CTIA) / Wireless Gigabit Alliance (WiGig) / Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA) / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) / Near Field Communication (NFC) Forum / Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) / Small Cell Forum / Telecommunications Industry / Association (TIA) / WiMAX Forum / Zigbee Alliance / Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) / Infrared Data Association (IrDA) / Mobile Manufacturers Forum (MMF) / National Spectrum Consortium (NSC) / Next Generation Mobile Networks (NGMN) Alliance / Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance (WECA) / Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) / Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Forum / LoRa Alliance / MulteFire Alliance / Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) / WirelessHD Consortium /
Wireless Internet Service Providers Association (WISPA) / Wireless Sensor Network Consortium (WSN) / Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS) / Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) / Association for Radio Industries and Businesses (ARIB) / Broadband Forum / Connected Vehicle Trade Association (CVTA) / Digital Europe / Digital TV Group (DTG) / Femto Forum / Global mobile Suppliers Association (GSA) / Groupe Speciale Mobile Association (GSMA) / Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) / Integrated Digital Enhanced Network (iDEN) Alliance / International Association of Broadcast Manufacturers (IABM) / International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) / International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC) / International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) /
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW) / International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) / International Association of Public Transport (UITP) / International Association of Wireless Professionals (IAWP) / International Federation of Competitive Eating (IFOCE) / International Telecommunication Union (ITU) / Internet of Things Consortium (IoTC) / Mobile Manufacturers Forum (MMF) / Multimodal Transportation Association (MTA) / National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO) / National Emergency Number Association (NENA) / National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) / OpenFog Consortium / Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) / Power Matters Alliance (PMA) / Public Safety Communications Research (PSCR) / Rural Wireless Association (RWA) / The National Wireless Safety Alliance (NWSA) / Trusted Computing Group (TCG) / Wi-Fi Now / Wi-Fi Alliance / WiMAX Forum / Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) / Wireless Industrial Networking Alliance (WINA) / Wireless Internet Service Providers Association (WISPA) / Wireless Maritime Service (WMS) / Zigbee Alliance / Airline Passenger Experience Association (APEX) / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) / Association of American Railroads (AAR)
List of Aerospace Engineering Associations:
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) / Society of Aerospace Engineers (SAE) / American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) / National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) / American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) / Society of Women Engineers (SWE) / National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) / National Society of Hispanic Engineers (NSHE) / Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honor Society / Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) / Aerospace States Association (ASA) / Air Force Association (AFA) / American Astronautical Society (AAS) / American Helicopter Society (AHS) International / American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Foundation (AIAA Foundation) / American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) / Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) / Center for Space Policy and Strategy (CSPS) / International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) / International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) / International Society of Automation (ISA) / International Society of Air Safety Investigators (ISASI) / International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) / International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (ISHMII) / International Union of Aerospace Insurers (IUAI) / National Association of Rocketry (NAR) / National Coalition for Aviation and Space Education (NCASE) / National Space Society (NSS) / Rocketry Organization of California (ROC) / Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) / Society of Flight Test Engineers (SFTE) / Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) / Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) / Society of NASA Flight Surgeons (SNFS) / Society of Professional Engineering Employees in Aerospace (SPEEA) / Society of Satellite Professionals International (SSPI) / The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) / Women in Aerospace (WIA) / Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) / Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) / Aerospace Medical and Human Performance Association (AMHPA) / Aerospace States Association (ASA) / Air Traffic Control Association (ATCA) / Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) / Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI) / Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine (ASEM) / Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (CASI) / Commercial Spaceflight Federation (CSF) / Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) / Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) / General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) / Helicopter Association International (HAI) / International Air Transport Association (IATA) / International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS) / International Astronautical Federation (IAF) / International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) / International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations (IFATCA) / International Glaciological Society (IGS) / International Society for Air Breathing Engines (ISABE) / International Society for Aviation Photography (ISAP) /
National Aeronautics Association (NAA) / National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) / Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) / Space Foundation / Space Industry Association of Australia (SIAA) / The Planetary Society / United States Hang Gliding and Parag /
List of Top Satellite Industries:
Airbus Defence and Space - France / Boeing Satellite Systems - USA / Lockheed Martin Space Systems - USA / Northrop Grumman Space Systems - USA / Thales Alenia Space - France / Space Systems Loral (SSL) - USA / Ball Aerospace - USA / Harris Corporation - USA / ViaSat - USA / Intelsat - Luxembourg/USA / Eutelsat - France / SES - Luxembourg / Inmarsat - UK /Iridium Communications - USA / Telesat - Canada / Orbital Sciences Corporation - USA / Arianespace - France / SpaceX - USA / Blue Origin - USA / OneWeb - UK / Hughes Network Systems - USA / Gilat Satellite Networks - Israel / Vizada - France / KVH Industries - USA / Comtech Telecommunications Corp. - USA / Advantech Wireless - Canada / Comtech Xicom Technology - USA / Telenor Satellite Broadcasting - Norway / Thuraya Telecommunications - UAE / AsiaSat - Hong Kong / APT Satellite Holdings - China / Sky Perfect JSAT Corporation - Japan / O3b Networks - Luxembourg / ABS - Bermuda / Globalstar - USA / Spire Global - USA / DigitalGlobe - USA / Planet Labs - USA / UrtheCast - Canada / BlackSky - USA / Capella Space - USA / ICEYE - Finland / HawkEye 360 - USA / NanoRacks - USA / Astrocast - Switzerland / NSLComm - Israel / Surrey Satellite Technology Limited - UK / Dauria Aerospace - Russia / OHB SE - Germany / Mitsubishi Electric Corporation - Japan / NEC Corporation - Japan / Hitachi Ltd. - Japan / Toshiba Corporation - Japan / Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) - Israel / Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. - Israel / Hughes Aircraft Company - USA / Orbcomm - USA / Global Eagle Entertainment - USA / In-Flight Entertainment and Connectivity (IFEC) - USA / SITAOnAir - Switzerland / Zodiac Inflight Innovations - USA / Panasonic Avionics Corporation - USA / Thales Group - France / Inmarsat Government - USA/UK / Kratos Defense and Security Solutions - USA / Echostar Corporation - USA / RSCC (Russian Satellite Communications Company) - Russia / China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) - China / China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) - China / China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) - China / China Satcom - China / Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) - India / Antrix Corporation - India / Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN) - Indonesia / Turkmensat - Turkmenistan / Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center - Russia / Roscosmos - Russia / GomSpace - Denmark / ÅAC Microtec - Sweden / SSTL (Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd) - UK / Celestia Aerospace - India / GK Launch Services - Russia /
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Although water is abundant in many parts of the Earth’s environment, concerns about water security are increasing due to its critical role in human well-being, economic growth, social equity, and biodiversity. The ownership and management of water resources are complex because water is regarded as part of the global commons and managed as a public good. To properly govern and manage water security issues need to be addressed by each level of government using all the tools available to support water-related decisions. Providing the right data to right communities and users at the right time is critical for water security.
Vegetation green leaf phenology directly impacts gross primary productivity (GPP) of terrestrial ecosystems. Satellite observations of land surface phenology (LSP) provide an important means to monitor the key timing of vegetation green leaf development. However, differences between satellite-derived LSP proxies and in situ measurements of GPP make it difficult to quantify the impact of climate-induced changes in green leaf phenology on annual GPP. Here, we used 1,110 site-years of GPP measurements from eddy-covariance towers in association with time series of satellite LSP observations from 2000 to 2014 to show that while satellite LSP explains a large proportion of variation in annual GPP, changes in green-leaf-based growing season length (GSL, leaf development period from spring to autumn) had less impact on annual GPP by ?30% than GSL changes in GPP-based photosynthetic duration. Further, maximum leaf greenness explained substantially more variance in annual GPP than green leaf GSL, highlighting the role of future vegetation greening trends on large-scale carbon budgets. Site-level variability contributes a substantial proportion of annual GPP variance in the model based on LSP metrics, suggesting the importance of local environmental factors altering regional GPP. We conclude that satellite LSP-based inferences regarding large-scale dynamics in GPP need to consider changes in both green leaf GSL and maximum greenness.
Urban areas are experiencing rapid growth in several areas all over the world. Monitoring short-term changes are very important for urban change analysis and planning. Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite imagery is suitable for such purposes because it is not affected by weather or daylight conditions. However, analyzing SAR satellite imagery needs higher skills and more time compared to analyzing optical imagery. To overcome those problems, we propose a method to generate high-accuracy urban distribution maps for urban change detection automatically using a convolutional neural network (CNN). We optimized SAR polarization combinations and dataset constructions to improve accuracy. In addition, digital surface model (DSM) data was added for distinguishing between urban areas and other areas accurately. We verified and validated our proposed method with SAR satellite imageries of southeast Asian nations (ASEAN) cities such as Jakarta, Indonesia. Change analysis with timeseries satellite imageries revealed the locations of short-term urban change. Comparing the results with manual change analysis using optical satellite imageries validated the results. The experimental results demonstrated that our proposed method was effective for generating high-accuracy urban distribution maps for short-term change monitoring.